School-Based Mental Health Services (31n)

In this day and age, the impact of a student's mental health on his/her ability to learn and achieve academically is becoming more and more widely understood, accepted, and addressed. In order for students to achieve at their greatest potential, they must be educated in a safe and emotionally healthy environment. 

What is a 31n therapist: A 31n therapist is a licensed master’s clinician that provides behavioral health services to students with mild to moderate mental health issues through individual, group and community counseling methods.

Which schools have a 31n therapist: Alcona High School, Alcona Elementary School, Hillman High School, Hillman Elementary School, Besser, Ella White, Hinks, Sanborn, Wilson and the Thunder Bay Junior High School.

What makes a student eligible for 31n services:  Any student who presents with mild to moderate behavioral health needs may be eligible for free behavioral health services.

31n Service Providers