As our inaugural Pied Piper Esports Spring Season concludes, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff, talented players, supportive parents, and the community. Your involvement made this season a success. See you in the fall! #beAMAzing
about 21 hours ago, AMAESD3
Photo of Pied Piper Esports Staff and Students
Exciting News! Thanks to the generous donation from Hunter's Harvest, the STARS Reading Intervention Program at the AMA ESD was able to recently expand its “book store” collection! The students were excited to have additional titles to choose from. Together, we're making a difference, one book at a time! #beAMAzing #HuntersHarvest #CommunitySupport
1 day ago, Hilary Robinette
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
2 days ago, Jessica Pilarski
Sand tray therapy is a creative and non-threatening way for children (and adults!) to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The use of miniatures in the sand can assist them in processing through difficult things and find healing and acceptance over time. Some of the 31n School-based Mental Health providers across the AMA ESD use this type of therapy when working with students. #beAMAzing
3 days ago, Lauren Tallant
Sand tray
Relationships matter: Pictured below is our Happy "Bookiversary" tour day Julie Bastow and Shellie Gohl deliver a new book and a sweet treat to the Classroom Library Participants from the last two years. The tour was a delightful surprise to the teachers involved. It was exciting to see classroom libraries continuing to go strong in these classrooms! Kids win when teacher learning has impact that continues on year after year. #beAMAzing
5 days ago, Julie Bastow
Picture of teachers in classroom libraries
AMAESD hosted a Post Secondary Planning Night on Thursday. Families from Alcona, Alpena, Atlanta, Hillman and Pied Piper enjoyed dinner and spent the evening connecting with area agencies to learn more about the services they provide. Grant funds through the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan’s Youth Advisory Council were instrumental in making the evening happen. Students and families were able to connect with professionals from the community representing Alpena Probate Court, AMA ESD, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Social Security Administration, MDHHS, Disability Network Northern Michigan, Northeast Michigan Community Mental Health Agency, Michigan Works, Social Security Administration as well as HEROES parent support group and AMA PAC (Parent Advisory Council). The evening was filled with information, networking and connections being made amongst families. Thank you to everyone who participated. If you have questions about post secondary planning for your student with an IEP, please contact AMAESD Post Secondary Planning Assistants at 989.880.2021 or 989.880.2022. #beAMAzing
6 days ago, Jessica Pilarski
post secondary night
post secondary night
post secondary night
post secondary night
Teamwork is an important part of the STARS Reading Intervention Program at the AMA ESD. This is the general education team that serves over 400 students in reading intervention across three counties. Behind the scenes: Shellie Gohl--Staff management Julie Bastow-- Teaching and programming Hilary Robinette--Intervention coach Ashlie O’Connor--Technology and data support Alicia Eades--Administrative Assistant Interventionists: Theresa Wilt--Alcona Elementary Tina Juergens--Atlanta Elementary Dakoda Pierce--Hillman Elementary Shannon Kennedy-- Besser Lisa Beatty/Madison Mumford--Ella White Katherine Guzman--Hinks Rachel Wetherhult-- Lincoln Vacant position-Sanborn MaryAnn Erickson--Wilson Working collaboratively allows our team to improve the program year after year. Our philosophy is when everyone works together our program is better. #beAMAzing
5 days ago, Hilary Robinette
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
6 days ago, Jessica Pilarski
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
8 days ago, Jessica Pilarski
Happy Administrative Professionals Day! #beAMAzing
8 days ago, Jessica Pilarski
Administrative Professionals
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
10 days ago, Jessica Pilarski
Transition aged students from Alcona, Alpena, Atlanta and Hillman Schools toured Alpena Community College on Tuesday. Students had the opportunity to explore the campus, learn about the degree and certificate programs offered, connect with peers from other districts and get a feel for college life in action. Thank you to ACC for hosting this event and welcoming our area students.
14 days ago, Jessica Pilarski
ACC Tour
ACC Tour
ACC Tour
ACC Tour
Kindergarten Round-up is in full swing across our AMA districts. Readiness for school is so important! Check out this graphic that shows the readiness skills children need to develop as they prepare for Kindergarten and how parents can help get them ready. #bettertogether #beAMAzing
16 days ago, Shellie Gohl
Happy Occupational Therapy month! Let's give a shout out to Dr. Jamie McClintic who has provided Occupational Therapy Services for the students in Alpena, Montmorency, and Alcona for the past 22 years. Dr. McClintic's holistic approach tackles areas such as motor development, regulation and attention skills, social emotional and behavioral supports, adaptive skills such as toileting/feeding/dressing, and underlying handwriting deficits relating to visual perceptual/coordination weaknesses. Working directly alongside her is physical therapy assistant, Steven Barbeau. This duo assures every student in our territory ranging from 0 to 26 years of age receive the therapy, accommodations and modifications needed to fully access and participate in their educational program.
20 days ago, Jamie McClintic
Occupational and physical therapist sitting on floor with a newborn.
Some of the students at Hillman Jr/Sr High got creative with 31n Therapist, Kass Showalter! This was a small group therapy session, which focused on inner child healing work. Check out their masterpieces! These will be connected to form a mobile and symbolize the connections made during the group. #feelyourfeelings, #beAMAzing, #mentalhealthmatters, #HillmanTigers
28 days ago, Kasandra Showalter
Art Therapy  Project
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month (CAP/ CAPM). AMA Great Start Collaborative (GSC) staff and CAP councils/ teams are raising awareness this month by sharing prevention information and resources, like those found in the Alpena & Presque Isle CAP Newsletter (Spring 2024 Newsletter.pdf). Follow the Alpena Baby Pantry, supported by the Alpena CAP Team, for more CAP awareness & prevention - share with your networks AND share local prevention efforts, big or small! Besides wear-blue-Friday’s, blue pinwheels, and banners placed in communities, CAP teams are focused on increasing awareness and embedding Protective Factors into community supports throughout the year. “Research has shown that the promotion of protective factors is a key intervention strategy that can improve social and emotional well-being in children and youth” ( Building Protective Factors is the heart and soul of Parent Cafes. The AMA GSC is hosting a Cafe April 22nd, at Thunder Bay Jr. High. Parents/ caregivers (guardians, foster parents, grandparents, teachers, child care providers, etc.) of school-aged children share the joys and challenges of family life through conversation starters rooted in the Protective Factors. Boost your caregiving resilience and sign up today at #Prevent Child Abuse #Build Protective Factors #beAMAzing
28 days ago, Angela Bruning
Parent Cafe
Activity Calendar
Mandated Reporter
STARS Reading Intervention Coach, Hilary Robinette, visited the AMA ESD's ECSE classroom to be a guest reader for March is Reading Month.
about 1 month ago, Hilary Robinette
Reading in ECSE
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
about 1 month ago, Jessica Pilarski
Do you have a child turning 3 or 4 by September 1st this year? AMA ESD Staff, Danielle Hansen and Alicia Eades, recently attended an Annual Eligibility training with NEMCSA staff, Erin Smith, Mary Ballard, Lisa Fluharty, Chantel Bullis, Robyn Hart, Jenny Domrase, and Monica Troy. They are all ready to start the 2024-25 Preschool Registration Season! Call Alicia at 989-278-5990 to make an appointment and head to and click "Apply for Preschool" to fill out an interest form to get started! Check out the attached flyer for more information!
about 1 month ago, Danielle Hansen
Preschool Registration Flyer
AMA and NEMCSA staff grouped together at a recent training
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
about 2 months ago, Jessica Pilarski