Happy Halloween from the AMAESD.
over 1 year ago, AMAESD3
Happy Halloween!
Hillman Elementary students have completed a colorful Friendship Snake which helped them identify all the different ways you can be a good friend to others. It sits outside by the doors for recess so it can be a daily reminder to play nice! #beAMAzing!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Tallant
friendship snake
4 simple ways to keep your online life more secure: 1. Use strong passwords and download a password manager 2. Turn on multifactor authentication 3. Recognize and report phishing and 4. Update your software. #CybersecurityAwarenessMonth #SecureOurWorld #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, AMAESD3
Graphic displaying the text October is Cybersecurity Month
Cliff Anschuetz Chevrolet strikes again, with philanthropy! #shoepalooza24 #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Angela Bruning
Shoe Palooza/ Cliff A. #2
AMA GSC & Family Coalition need your feedback! Do any families with children 0-5 in our tri-county area want to attend a virtual, half-day (Saturday morning), Early Childhood Conference? Please comment on this post to let us know! If your answer is YES, also tell us which 2 topics would interest you most - thank you!! #parentvoice #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Angela Bruning
BB save-the-date
Are you a parent/caregiver/ granparent of a child 0 -12? Are you willing to offer the community your voice? Are you looking for volunteer opportunites? Do you want to know what is happening in your community for children & parents? If yes then the Alpena - Montmorency - Alcona Family Coalitoin is for you! Text Family to 989 - 250-2907 #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Heather Gagnon
​Our local GSRP and Head Start teachers and staff participated in professional development on TS Gold this month. Teachers use this tool to observe and assess their students in order to understand what they know and can do. The data is then used to adjust the teacher's lessons, plan individualized learning for students, and plan future professional development for staff. #BeAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Danielle Hansen
Small group of staff in a discussion
Teacher writing on chart paper
Staff listening to the presenter.
Some students from Hillman Jr/Sr High completed an Art therapy project, as part of a 31n small-group therapy session! Check out their masterpieces! #TigerPride #beAMAzing #mentalhealthmatters
over 1 year ago, Kasandra Showalter
Art Therapy Project
October 19, 2023, at Lincoln Elementary School, MSU Extension Presents: Reducing Challenging Behaviors in Toddlers. Toddlerhood can be a difficult time to navigate. From tantrums to biting, this program will focus on helping you decode what’s going on in a toddler’s world to help make the “terrible twos” the “terrific twos.” This is a no-cost Power of Parenting workshop, brought to you by Children's Trust Michigan (Alpena CA/N Team), and AMA Great Start Collaborative & Family Coalition. Text "POP MSUE" to 989-250-2907 for registration link, or find it here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTe5hWBxJKRBRlRdc8Avc-w27X6EttQ5GQpapV5Ld44wHysQ/viewform
over 1 year ago, Angela Bruning
MSUextension/ October
AMA administrators Ashley Peterson & Shellie Gohl are two of 40 leaders across the state selected to begin their journey in Michigan Leadership Institute's Superintendent Academy. #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Ashley Peterson
Two staff attending leadership workshop
Ashlie O'Connor has been working with districts to provide supports in starting Esports across our area. Thank you REMC association for providing Nintendo Switches and gaming controllers to utilize with our local REMC districts. #beAMAzing.
over 1 year ago, AMAESD3
Ashlie OC and Nintendo Switches
Shellie Gohl and Julie Bastow proudly presented the Classroom Library Makeover Series to statewide educational leaders at the 2023 Fall MASA Conference. So honored to highlight the hard work of our amazing teachers. We could not do this work without the support of our Community Partnerships--Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, United Way of NE Michigan, Community Foundation of NE Michigan, MISTEM, APS CTE. #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Julie Bastow
two facilitators in front of presentation screen
Great Start Collaborative’s Shoe Palooza: Year 8! Cliff Anschuetz poured generosity into the bed of a pickup this week, by filling it with brand new children’s shoes. A big thank you goes to them, MyMichigan Medical Center, and to United Way for their support including inviting GSC to talk about Shoe Palooza at their Good Morning Alpena campaign kick off. #itTakesAvillage #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Angela Bruning
Cliff Anschuetz
United Way Kick-Off
Julie Bastow (ELA Curriculum Specialist) and Hilary Robinette (Intervention Coach) lead this group of Reading Interventionists in learning new strategies to apply for students who struggle with the hard task of learning to read. Collectively there are over 100 years of experience in this room. We service over 400 students across four districts through this program called STARS. So proud to be a part of this amazing group. #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Julie Bastow
Group of interventionists working at a table
AMAESD Instructional Technology & Data Specialist and MACUL board member, Ashlie O'Connor has the opportunity to provide professional development for educators both locally and statewide! #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, AMAESD3
Amaesd Employee And MACUL board member Ashlie O’Connor
Geri & Nora working outside and enjoying this beautiful weather in our new AMA picnic area! #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Geri Samp
picnic area
Lincoln Lions ROAR! Our AMA team is excited to support Lincoln Elementary during the 2023-2024 school year! Melissa Lappan, 18 years; Kelly Sanderson, 20 years; Kerri McCrimmon, 17 years; Nora Pizzino, 15 years. #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Melissa Lappan
Lincoln Lions ROAR! Our AMA team is excited to support Lincoln Elementary during the 2023-2024 school year! Melissa Lappan, 18 years; Kelly Sanderson, 20 years; Kerri McCrimmon, 17 years; Nora Pizzino, 15 years. #beAMAzing
Lincoln Lions ROAR! Our AMA team is excited to support Lincoln Elementary during the 2023-2024 school year! Melissa Lappan, 18 years; Kelly Sanderson, 20 years; Kerri McCrimmon, 17 years; Nora Pizzino, 15 years.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Lappan
Lincoln Lions ROAR! Our AMA team is excited to support Lincoln Elementary during the 2023-2024 school year!
Proud to support AHS! Danielle Hoggard (Teacher Consultant - Year 15), Nora Pizzino (School Psychologist - Year 15), Sarah Griffore (School Social Worker - Year 8), Mary Morris (TC Technical Assistant - Year 7), and Lisa Siegert (Transition Assistant - Year 25) #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Nora Pizzino
Danielle, Nora, Sarah, Mary, Lisa at AHS
Starting year 31! Supporting Hillman to be a ray of sunshine in a sometimes cloudy world! #beAMAzing
over 1 year ago, Geri Samp
Hillman Elementary School